Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I just finished reading “After the Storm” by Jewel Moore. It is the first of a three part series, and I thought it was a great read. When I got to the end of the first part, I was like, “hey, what the heck” I closed the book and checked my kindle for the book info, (isn’t technology grand). That’s when I remembered that this was the first of a three part series.

Can’t wait to read the rest. Way to go Jewel!!

1 comment:

Moni said...

Hi Denise. When will you release another book? I read the three books you wrote on Dee, Holly and Terry. I lovedddd them! Are you going to add to that series? There are so many angles to go from! I'd love to bounce some ideas to you. My email is Mn9Si@aol.com